How to lower The High Uric Acid Levels Naturally - 6 Easy Ways | Top 20 Foods that Lower Uric AcidUric acid is a compound which is consisted upon Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and oxygen. High uric acid raises the uric acid level which further results as gout. When you find symptoms of fatigue then it can be a result of uric acid crystals. High level of uric acid is not good. Almost 8.3 million people globally are affected by uric acid. If you find high uric acid levels then you need to go for uric acid tests. Some of the uric acid symptoms are the pain in your high toe, knee etc. Feeling pain in your feet, ankles is also a symptom of high uric acid. There are many reasons behind the rise of uric acid levels. When you find symptoms of fatigue then you by the uric acid test. Then you need to find treatment for arthritis. If you want to know how to lower uric acid you can find some diets which can work to bring normal uric acid level. Uric acid treatment is not so hard.