Watch the latest updates and sex education video clips at the website. This teen sex education video clip covers abstinence, and using condoms for birth control and preventing STDs (sexually transmitted diseases).
Future actress high school student Christy talks about preventing teen pregnancy and tells you why her career is her priority, and why she is not ready to become a teen parent.
Watch this teen sex education movie and listen as Jane harmonizes about her dream of becoming a star, and considers the implications of teen pregnancy and becoming a teenage parent.
A group of teenagers in North Hollywood wrote and starred in these high school sex education videos on teen pregnancy, clamydia, genital warts, and HIV, specifically for
Teen sex help and sex education clips, movies, and videos. As Arif prepares for his weekend getaway, his friend schools him on the realities of sexually transmitted diseases and preventing teen pregnancy.
Watch the latest updates and sex ed videos at This helpful teen sex education video clip covers teens and STD statistics, abstinence, and preventing unwanted teen pregnancy and STDs.