How to Become an Apprentice and find Glazier Jobs If you’re creative and good with your hands, a career in the skilled trades might be just for you! Ray Preston, representative for DC 46 of the glazier’s union, tells us more about how you can become an apprentice and find glazier jobs in a trade you can grow in. IUPAT (International Union of Painters and Allied Trades) provides many opportunities for new glazier jobs, as well as jobs for other skilled trades, such as for drywall finishers and painters. If you’re interested in a growing career in a skilled trade, just contact one of our union representatives at 416-630-9604 and we can help you find a trade that you’ll love. You’ll need a copy of your high school transcript or diploma, your SIN, and a piece of photo ID, as well as a small initiation fee. We want to help you get started. Call us today, or visit our website to learn more at We’re excited to meet you. Follow IUPAT: