Safe Hands by Paper AeroplanesPaper Aeroplanes – We Are Ghosts New Mini-Album Released 4th April 2011 "very strong debut... a confident collection of gems" Record of the day (debut album review) “you could streak the sky with this album's melodies and people would stand, necks craned, mouths agape, gasping at the beauty of it all... It has an effortless, uncontrived universality" Adam Walton BBC Radio Wales Paper Aeroplanes is a girl and a boy from Westest Wales, now based in the capital of Wales and the capital of England. They make melancholy-tinged acoustic music centred around distinctive vocals. Their recent single, ‘Not as Old’ was playlisted on national radio – including a Bob Harris session on BBC Radio 2 and gathered a multitude of regional radio plays. The track - written and produced with Matt Prime (Will Young, Eliza Doolittle) drew much praise from enthused critics and bloggers alike.