Reconnecting by Joseph J. LucianiDr. Joe Luciani, author of the highly successful Self-Coaching, shows how self-coaching skills can solve problems and issues in relationships. From the start, the author addresses one undeniable law of relating: struggles do not take place in a vacuum. Every struggle involves two partners with two unique perceptions and every solution includes two partners with one shared perception. Luciani does not claim that the reader can fix or change his or her partner, but he does promise that the reader can use the self-coaching method for getting his or her less-than-cooperative partner to join in a meaningful healing process, even if the reader has to start this process alone. The audiobook also includes an enhanced CD with PDFs of all illustrations and quizzes from the book, as well as bonus audio: in the studio with the author.
Format: 8 CD Audiobook
Length: 9 Hr 00 Min
ISBN-13: 978-1-60283-574-0
On Sale: May 12, 2009
Price: $29.95