Alternate intro for QuakeThis is a replacement for Quake's attract reel, created in 1997 by Damian Scott of TeamFortress Software. For some reason I had the urge to record a bit of game video today, and this is one of my favorite little bits of original Quake moviemaking. I like it because it works as a game intro. Specifically, it looks like an intro for the game that Quake singleplayer could have been. I'm a Quake fanboy but it's not hard to admit that the singleplayer would have been improved with... well, not necessarily with a better traditional narrative, but at least with a more coherent theme and progression. This reel uses standard Quake assets but spins the presentation to play up the Lovecraftian horror aspect. The result is a trailer for a Quake-like game that begins with heroic monster mashing and slowly morphs into some creepily hopeless eternal struggle. Kinda disturbing, and very cool. Or at least it's cool for those of us old fogies who remember playing Quake (and seeing Quake "machinima") for the first time back in the 90s. :-) The video was created using WinQuake in all of its pixely software-rendering glory. Several bits of this reel will go wrong if you render it with GLQuake. The audio is Trent Reznor's "Aftermath", from the Quake soundtrack of course.