Traveling In The Land Of Ning with Rex Harris
The Ning networks continue to be one of my favorite places to work.
The resources here are such that, I believe, one could easily build their entire presence using Ning and do very well for themselves.
I don't believe that there is another resource, in the world of Web 3.0, that offers people the diversity and ability to communicate like Ning. Many of the leaders, in the home business industry, are seeing the power of this resource for mailing list and network development and are making it primary, even over auto-responders and membership sites.
We are working and marketing in a day and time where the word free has lost much of its' meaning. Yet Ning, being the powerhouse resource that it is, allows it's users to create their very own social network, free of charge.
With features like broadcast mailing, blogs, video, groups, forums, chat, and more, even the novice web developer can put together a very nice community in a short period of time.
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