Dr. Daniel E. Rousso’s patient underwent a face lift and neck lift in order to help correct sagging in the neck area – she didn’t like what she saw in the mirror and decided that she was going to do something about it. The patient decided to have Dr. Rousso perform the procedures after asking for recommendations. She and her sister underwent plastic surgery with Dr. Rousso and were very pleased with their outcome. After the facelift procedure, the patient felt like it changed her life in a lot of ways – her self-esteem increased and she now feels better about herself. Dr. Rousso states that most patients find that facelift surgery provides them with a positive change in their lives; they are happier with their appearance and are motivated to maintain a healthy lifestyle. He advises that individuals should not be motivated to undergo this procedure for an “event” such as wanting to get married or trying to find a new job, but rather to feel better about themselves.
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Ne jiu kun, actually i was planning to send this video to you if u're back someday *hugs* but somehow, i think i'll just post it here =] If our faith haven end...I'm sure you'll be able to see it. =] take care ok jiu kun <333 miss u <33 and love you *hugs* =]
Viele Knieoperationen können heute arthroskopisch durchgeführt werden. Dr. med. Kraemer, Facharzt für Orthopädie aus Baden-Baden erklärt, dass bei einer Kniespiegelung das Knie zunächst untersucht und gegebenenfalls direkt behandelt wird. In diesem Video wird erklärt, wann eine Arthroskopie durchgeführt werden kann und wie ein solcher arthroskopischer Eingriff durchgeführt wird.
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