PG S2E1-2 - The Watseka WonderParanormal Generation kicks off Season 2 with a special one-hour episode, as the crew investigates the infamous Roff Home and the story behind the Watseka Wonder. In the late nineteenth-century, the house became famous in the paranormal community as the site of the first case of possession by a human spirit in the United States. Paranormal Generation was invited to investigate on the anniversary of the arrival of the possessed Lurancy at the Roff Home, the first group in almost a year to be allowed to investigate the property. PG is honored to have as our guest Make-A-Wish candidate Erika Johnson, who's wish was to investigate with a paranormal reality show. Erika joins the team in investigating claims of child spirits and reports of a malicious male spirit in the basement. Follow the crew of ParaGen on their most exciting investigation yet and see what they found at the Roff Home.