Brown Trout Fishing ONLY on HawgNSonsTV!April 18 2009 Lake Michigan, Waukegan Illinois East of Midwest Generation Power Plant. It was a beautiful Spring day & I was out Livin the Dream with The Hewk (Mark Hewkin) After LIMITING OUT on JUMBO Perch in less than a hour out in the deep water, The Hewk wanted to try for some Brown Trout at the warm water discharge. We were able to get 4 nice Brown Trout(Salmo trutta morpha fario and S. trutta morpha lacustris), 1 Coho Salmon(Oncorhynchus kisutch), 2 huge American Shad(A. sapidissima) & a Northern Hog Sucker(Hypentelium nigricans) in the boat in a couple hours. Captured ONLY on HawgNSonsTV!