Advertising ModelArt & Commerce.
Part of Road Node's trip west to Vloggercon was underwritten by Markus Sandy who not only provided a roof and bed, but helped to buy food and art supplies. More than that, he suggested calling the residence 'Road Node 101 House', which got the name out there and lent a generosity to the enterprise I'd not have been able to imagine without support, fiscal and otherwise.
Blew me away. Continues to blow me away.
So, I made an ad for Markus and for those who put food on his table, and for a project he stands behind, respectively Outhink Media and Our Media .
This is also an ad for iPod .
Music is "Delirious" by Luka Bloom .
Post Note: This was originally shot with the Nokia 6682 in 3gp and thereafter transcoded to .mov
Play Quicktime Version
Tags: Faux Press Road Node 101 Movlog Advertising