"New World" "Atarashii Sekai" (新しい世界) Zed finds himself in another world, in the country of Tempura. He meets Roya and her master, Jiko, and learns about Shard Casters. Without meaning to, he gets into trouble with the law.
NOTE: I don`t own biker mice or this song!
This video used to be video about Harley and Vinnie, but as you know I can`t find a lot pictures about them, so I put Carbine and Throtle here too..
I think this is one of my worsted videos so it`s a short version, but if you want I can make new full version.
Mugenn no Juunin 02 french sub
Enjoy it .
For dowload this video in better quality visit : irc://irc.fansub-irc.org/AnimeKami or go to http://touzai-sekai.com
This is a song featuring, Sunako, Peruseusu, Biiru, and myself. We did this to celebrate Ayu's 10th anniversary. even sent her the CD :) Hope she liked it
This show doesn't seem to get as many veiwer hits as Jani-Ben does...As I've still not been motivated to make time to watch it myself, I may just stop uploading it. What do you guys think?
*EDIT* Wakatta...I will continue uploading it. Thanks for the feedback everyone ^.^
Is this the new show? I think so. I don't know, I've lost track. I still haven't finished watching the Daidaman from a couple weeks ago X0, so it's a safe bet I haven't seen this one yet. *head desk*