Happy Go Lovely with Vera-Ellen, Classic Movie Musical DVD Happy Go Lovely is an easygoing and whimsical story of a hitchhiking young girl who becomes an entertainment sensation, literally, overnight. The film is a time capsuled peek at Edinburgh, Scotland in the 40s, and also a first-rate musical. In Happy Go Lovely, viewers are treated to the spectacular talents of Vera-Ellen, one of the very best dancers in the history of Hollywood and a fine actress. Usually costarring with Fred Astaire, Vera-Ellen does the lion’s share of the performing in this film– and that’s a good thing. Vera-Ellen plays a single hitchhiker who happens to be picked up by the limousine of a millionaire and taken to a high society film festival. While at the festival, Vera-Ellen dazzles the crowds with her incredible performances. Happy Go Lovely is aptly named, since audiences are lucky to get to see the lovely Vera-Ellen strut her stuff.