How To Get Toned Arms Like Michelle Obama - 2 Minute WorkoutIf you're looking to get toned, sculpted sexy arms like Michelle Obama, this workout will show you exactly how. Or if you're a guy and looking to beef up your guns, this workout will help make that happen too - all you need to do is go a little heavier with the weight.
This is a Micro Workout - which means that it's super short and designed to be done in just a couple minutes whenever you have a few moments to spare throughout the day.
This workout lasts for under 2 minutes and has three exercises that you can easily do right from the comfort of your desk (or anywhere else for that matter). All you need to do is do as many reps as you can of the exercise within the given time period. Here are the full details:
Bent over dumbell rows - 30 seconds
Table pushups - 30 seconds
Reverse dumbell chop and lift - 20 seconds each side (40s total)
Total Workout Time: 1 min 40 secs
So you get a total body fat loss workout that accentuates the core and entire upper body, all in less than 2 minutes.
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