Emotionaltuning.com Video 3 -Bilateral Brain Stimulation.aviThis is the third of five programs designed to help people cope with the unpleasant feelings that often accompany a traumatic event. The four available as free streaming videos are entitled, 1- Calming Breath, 2-Emotional Meridians 3-Bilateral Brain Stimulation, and 4-Humming Affirmations. The higher quality Video 5-Humming Your Healing Touch can be downloaded for a nominal fee from our website.
Avoidance of memory triggers is one of the symptoms of PTSD. Those that need help the most, are often least likely to seek it. This paradoxical effect of trauma, is the major reason we created a series of practical self-help videos.
In video 3 we show how emotional meridians can be stimulated bilaterally, alternating the left and right sides of our body. Attending to these bilateral sensations of touch, sight, sound, and motion, while recalling a traumatic event, seems to shift upsetting emotions that have been stored in the right side of the brain, into the left where they are processed differently.