This is a fun video about an aerobic workout with a trained Walrus
Check out the last trick. The Walrus dose 4 or 5 REAL SITUPS.
Enjoy the Video!!
"Lose belly fat easily and enjoy your new flat stomach. * no more crunches or situps * no more bogus ""fat burner"" pills * no more useless ab belts or gadgets * no more long boring cardio workouts * Weird workouts that burn belly fat faster than typica" - Elite Strength and Fitness trainings with Wall ball situps, Ring Rows exercises and Kettlebell trainings at CrossFit Hub gym!
Cheney Haight demonstrates Bulgarian Bag Twist. This exericise is sure to rip the CORE muscles and is great for the arms. This is a good altentive to situps/pushups. Abdominal exercises do not burn fat away from your abs. Discover the simplest and easiest way to get great looking abs...that's GUARANTEED to work for YOU.
See for more workouts and exercises.
The reverse twisting crunch exercise is another great addition to a solid core exercise routine. This particular movement targets mainly the obliques and lower rectus abdominus muscles and is one of the best crunch exercises. While it might not look like much, you might be surprised how useful it can be. Be sure to focus on contracting your obliques as you bring your knee to your chest.
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crunches how to Distributed by Tubemogul.
Are Situps good for Fat Loss & Shrinking My Waist?
The myth is addressed
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Used by professional atheletes around the world as part of their warm up and conditioning exercise, the stonomax powered conditioning belt will condition your abs without crunches or situps. Also good for leg, back and shoulders.
Jerry Hill's CrossFit Oldtown
Alexandria, Virginia
Alexandria’s First CrossFit Program
Angie - 100 pullups, 100 pushups, 100 abmat situps, 100 air squats