High Velocity Bowling PSN Game ReviewThe review High Velocity Bowling PSN game for the PS3!
High Velocity Bowling is a PSN game that you use the six axis controller to bowl. From tilting the controller to move your bowler, to moving your hand in a sweeping motion to make your bowler try for a strike, it's all done through the power of six axis!
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Wii bowling and other Wii sports got really big and became the Wii's claim to fame. Up until recently the Wii really didn't have any competition in their niche, but now Sony is trying to take a piece of their action. I must say, I think Sony did a very good job of getting themselves into a competitive position with High Velocity Bowling.
I personally never really enjoyed Wii bowling, I think it was fun, but very gimmicky and just overall not very enjoyable. When I played High Velocity Bowling, the story was completely the opposite! Fro...