I am singing a simple stripped back version of this song and Jimmy Quango is playing the guitar for the song called "A Different Corner by George Michael" recorded through my microphone.
I am singing a simple stripped back version of this song and Jimmy Quango is playing the guitar for the song called "A Different Corner by George Michael" recorded through my camcorder.
With this short video, I tried to sync up Chief Haldeman's arm-waving to the Treble 8-Bit Pitches and President Nixon peace-sign-flashing to the Bass 8-Bit Pitches.
Although Chief Haldeman is waving his arm in a similar way as Princess Kaguya does in the "HELP ME, ERIN!!!!!!!" Music Video, it is set to a different song. The song used in this short video is a Touhou-Styled Cover of the song "Unumbral Uranium".
I can't make any promises in regards to uploading more videos since I have to take care of real-life obligations.
I am singing my version of this song and Manginatti Music is playing the piano for the song called "Do You Remember by Phil Collins" recorded through my microphone.
I am singing my version of this song and Manginatti Music is playing the piano for the song called "Do You Remember by Phil Collins" recorded through my camcorder.
森高千里 Karaoke 渡良瀬橋 (声抜き)
Song 渡良瀬橋
Artist 森高千里
Licensed by
Up-Front; Sony ATV Publishing,and 5 music rights societies
森高千里 渡良瀬橋 - Full HD カラオケ( 日本の有線カラオケ用)
Song 渡良瀬橋
Artist 森高千里
Licensed by
Up-Front; Sony ATV Publishing, Daiichi ,and 5 music rights societies
Karaoke Watarase bashi 渡良瀬橋 international version
with Englisu sub read
Song Watarasebashi
Artist Chisato Moritaka
Licensed by
Up-Front; Sony ATV Publishing, and 5 music rights societies
私がオバさんになっても トリオ on FujiTV
by Dr:森高千里,Gu:岸谷香,Kb:岡本真夜
Song 私がオバさんになっても
Artist 森高千里,岸谷香,岡本真夜
Licensed by
Up-Front; Sony ATV Publishing,FujiTV and 5 music rights societies +included Watermarks
森高千里2021 熊本凱旋コンサート熊本城ホール&凱旋街 FujiTV
Song この街、More
Artist 森高千里
Licensed by
Up-Front; Sony ATV Publishing,FujiTV and 5 music rights societies +included Watermarks
1991-1992 古今東西~鬼が出るか蛇が出るかツアー
ザ・バスターズ・ブルース Remake
Song ザ・バスターズ・ブルース
Artist 森高千里
Licensed by
Up-Front; Sony ATV Publishing, and 5 music rights societies
Remake High Dencity from Original Analogue Video
Song 夜の煙突
Artist 森高千里
Licensed by
Up-Front; Sony ATV Publishing, and 5 music rights societies
Remake Digitaly High Details from Original Based PV
詳細はここ-[ https://livene.fc2.net/blog-entry-3.html]
Song 17才
Artist 森高千里
Licensed by
Up-Front; Sony ATV Publishing, and 5 music rights societies
Converting Sony Digital Studio Workstation Details up Points works
詳細はここ-[ https://livene.fc2.net/blog-entry-2.html]
Song 渡良瀬橋
Artist 森高千里
Licensed by
Up-Front; Sony ATV Publishing, and 5 music rights societies
Location 栃木県足利市
詳細はここ-[ https://livene.fc2.net/blog-entry-1.html]
Song 渡良瀬橋
Artist 森高千里
Licensed by
Up-Front; Sony ATV Publishing, and 5 music rights societies
I am singing and PianoRock is playing the piano keyboard for the song called "Don't Stand So Close To Me by The Police" recorded through my microphone.