Obligatory Acknowledgement of the 50th Anniversary of Watergate.mp4Since it is now Officially the 50th Anniversary of the Watergate Scandal, and since I became interested in President Nixon prior to Mid-2020; I am required to post something about the Incident now, lest I get the ire of half of the people who post about President Nixon online for not acknowledging it.
Hence, I made this video about Mr. Ehrlichman enjoying his time with Iku Nagae, much to the ire of Chief Haldeman; which itself is a play on the "unbelievability" part of Mr. Ehrlichman's Dreyer Ice Cream Commercial.
Twitter User @to_121_E made the first drawing of Chief Haldeman. I edited her drawing of Mr. Ehrlichman posing with a selfie stick to have Iku Nagae in the background.
The song in the background during the majority of the video is RD-Sounds' "Zettaiteki Ippoutsuukou~Unreachable Message".