Speeding Up Supply Chain and Logisticshttp://www.globalchange.com Speed of change, pressure to act fast. People react emotionally under pressure. Market research, customer opinion and trend analysis. Future vision. Business management video by keynote conference speaker Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist and author of 12 books on global trends including Futurewise and Building a Better Business. Future of logistics and supply chain management. Future of national post offices and postal service monopolies. DHL, Fedex and UPS global competition for just-in-time courier services. Growth of air freight, alternative delivery services. Deregulation of delivery services. Distribution and supplies of components, raw materials and finished products. Package and parcel RFID tracking technologies and RFID controversy. Road, rail, air and shipping comparative costs. Inflation and outsourcing. Overnight delivery and same day delivery services -- growing demand. Pharmacies and garages lead way. Integration of EPOS data. Planning security of supplies and ...