Hamster on a WalkSpencer (from "Farting in Public") buys a hamster and takes him on a walk. I've posted 5 minutes of raw footage if you want to try editing it yourself.
To download the .mov file, click here:
To just see it, click here:
I know it's not safe to jam so many kids in the car. And I don't think we hurt Beawolf, but you're not supposed to handle new hamsters for 4 days after you buy 'em. Sorry PETA and car-safety advocates. There can be no satire without ire.
Thanks to Jonathon Roberts for the most excellent music:
And thanks, Spencer, and his buds (one of whom is my nephew). Entirely his idea. And sorry, Katie. I know you weren't excited to see Beawolf in a noose-like leash.