CANÇÓ POPULAR/ FOLK SONG (2010)SHORT SYNOPSIS / This documentary is composed by four interviews ordered as four Folk songs. The first folk song wants to make a reflection about how the people can (or cannot) be impressed by the war. The second one tell us about the story of a blonde girl from Mostar as a representation of the war consequences. The third folk song it's almost a love song, for sure it is a comitment portrait of a person who left a part of her live in the Balkans. The fourth song comes from Sarajevo, directly from the voice of one of it's most memorables intellectuals. SHORT AUTHOR'S EXPLICATION / This short audiovisual mean to be a tribute to the oral tradition. All the folk songs and stories explain us something about our habits, our victories and our wars. In the past, little children asked the granfathers to know about the important facts in the family life. In the world after Google, there's no time to listen to anyone, we just look on the internet for some mass media information. This piece wants to integrate the oral tradition into the digital modes. Our single prupose was to ask «what can you tell me about Bosnia-Herzegovina?», and wait for a great story. DIRECTOED and EDITED by Marta Delatte PHOTOGRAPGHY and FILM by Josep Almirall