Fishing For The BIGGEST Sunfish ever June 11 ONLY on HawgNSonsTVJune 11 2010 Lake Geneva Wisconsin S 0-11mph. 85 degrees Scattered Clouds. 40% Chance of Precipitation. Barometer 29.75 Steady, Waning Crescent 0% of the Moon is Illuminated. Fishing for the BIGGEST Pumkinseed Sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus) ever. The owner of the bait store we stopped @ to get wax worms for bait, told us all the local anglers said the Sunfish all moved off their beds, were done spawning and it wasn't good fishing. When all the other people fishing reported the only fish biting were the dinkers, I knew we had the worlds foremost fishing expert, The Hewkinator ...showing off his special recipe. So keep your eyes on the Hewk Juice .................. Captured ONLY on www.HawgNSonsTV.Com ..............................................................................
Music; "Hillbilly Proud" by BlackWater Outlaws www.BlackWaterOutlaws.Com