iPhone unlocked on camera from start to finishFor quick reference, here are the steps done on camera:
1. Started with AT&T SIM inserted
2. Inserted T-Mobile SIM, showed that it produces invalid SIM error (expected behavior for a locked iPhone)
3. Connected to iPhone over SSH
4. Transferred iPhoneSIMfree unlock app over SCP
5. Restarted SpringBoard (iPhone default application launcher)
6. Ran iPhoneSIMfree app
7. When complete, iPhone shows that T-Mobile SIM no longer produces invalid SIM error, instead asks for activation (expected behavior for an iPhone that has a valid SIM, but is not yet activated)
* Prep for re-activation off camera using iAsign (phone is now unlocked, but still activated with AT&T)
8. Back on camera: activate iPhone with T-Mobile SIM using iAsign
9. Make test call to another phone
10. Activate iPhone once more with AT&T SIM using iAsign