01) Hidden Manna Vol 1.1 - The Church and TribulationHidden Manna For the End Times - by David Eells (2002-2003) 01) Hidden Manna Vol 1.1 - The Church and Tribulation (2:21:17) The speaker has been receiving Word of Knowledge and Wisdom concerning end time happenings for thirty years. In these audios you will hear absolute Biblical proof whether the Church will go through tribulation. You will understand the difference between the tribulation and the wrath. Relative to the tribulation you will understand when the coming of the Lord and when the day of the Lord is. Also relative to the tribulation you will understand when America will be destroyed and when there will be a corporate fulfillment of the Psalm 91 Passover. Types and shadows from the days of Noah, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Feast of Tabernacles, Marriage Feast, and the time of Israel in Egypt, the wilderness, and the Promised Land will give backup proof.