quick video i put together showing off a few pictures of Team Fortress 2 and Portal played with Garry's Mod
The name of the song is The Anthem by ZebraHead
All the original pictures can be found here =p
A TF2 Sniper Video. With a different style of play the sniper class can be a good supporter NOT only from long range but also from mid to close combat.
This is a video of my custom map for the game "Team Fortress 2" called Toystore. It is based on a fictional small toystore situated in NYC around the holidays in the late 60s.
A fun class-based multiplayer only game, with some lag and connection issues. Just don't get as pissed as I did near the end of this video. Part 5 of 5 for The Orange Box.
Meet the Soldier, one of nine playable character classes in the highly anticipated Team Fortress 2. The second in a series of character profiles from the previous Heavy Weapons Guy trailer.