Maker Faire - SparksFrom the Maker Faire Program...
Jack Sparx and his Electric Toys
Electricity you can see and feel will thrill those that come visit me! Small and medium Tesla coils, a large Van de Graff gnerator that will shock you if you like. Learn how a Jacob's Ladder is built and see one displayed. If you enjoy lightning storms, you'll have fun as we play with my high voltage toys!
Web site:
iPod Ready Movie
Topic(s): Science
Tags: Tesla+Coil "Jacob's Ladder" " Van de Graff generator"
About the Maker(s)
John Dyer []
Dyer Electric
The first word I said was plug! I have been involved with electricity all my life. I have had careers as an electrical contractor, radio engineer, audio engineer and many others. Born, raised, and remain in Sacramento. Built and exhibited art, a radio station and science at Burning Man and other venues around the area.