Warlock Soled Baron Rivendare (Demonology) by KrispuloKrispulo <Last Stand>
Server: C'thun (eu)
Talents: Demonology 20/41/0
Objetive: baron Rivendare
Party: Krispulo and Felguard (my pet ^^)
Baron Rivendare is a level 62 elite boss death knight and leader of the Scourge forces in the city of Stratholme.
Spells and abilities:
Mortal Strike
Unholy Aura (passive, deals 150 shadow damage per sec for every sec the target is exposed to it)
Death Pact (destroys a minion of the caster, healing the caster)
Raise Dead (raises Skeletons from the dead)
Health: 46,000
Mana: 12,840
Enjoy it!