Learn about the new expert advisor GBPBOT! Can it really make huge profits trading the Forex market on autopilot?
There are thousands of new beginners coming into foreign currency trading all the time now and most of them are desperately searching for the magic system that will make them pots of cash. They think the system is the only important factor in working out
With more people every day giving up their day jobs to work from home, it is not surprising that everybody wants to find the best way to make money online. Having your own business or working freelance can give you financial freedom while you stay home wi
If you ever visit any of the many online forex forums, you will see that most every beginner trader is hoping to find some miracle currency trading strategy that will make them rich overnight.
The word Forex is simply made up of the first letters from the words Foreign Exchange so it is a short way of saying foreign exchange trading. It may also be written as FX, and it is often called currency trading.
Originally the forex market consisted almost entirely of banks and other large financial institutions who were exchanging the various currencies of the world with each other. Each one of them would have a dealing desk from which they would communicate wit
If you are interested in the great money making opportunity that is forex trading, you need to understand forex pips. The word pip stands for percentage in point and so pips are also sometimes called points.
Just about everybody who starts online foreign exchange trading is hoping to make big money. There are perhaps a few people who do it just for fun, but if they are at all successful they will soon start to think about turning that success into a money.