Citizens Hearing on the Legality of U.S. Actions in Iraq: Part 1CITIZENS HEARING ON THE LEGALITY OF U.S. ACTIONS IN IRAQ:
The Case of Lt. Ehren Watada
JANUARY 20-21, 2007
Tacoma, Washington, USA
"In an unprecedented two-day Citizens' Hearing held over January 20-21, more than 600 citizens joined a distinguished tribunal panel in listening to testimony about the legality of the US invasion of Iraq. The Citizens' Hearing was convened to present evidence that Lt. Ehren Watada would have presented in his February 5 court martial on the question that the military ruled barred from entry on Jan. 16 - the question of the Iraq War's legality. Lt. Watada has repeatedly asserted that because the Iraq War is illegal, it is his duty to refuse orders to deploy. He is the Army's first commissioned officer to take such a stand."
For complete details of the Citizens' Hearing, please see:
For updates on Lt. Watada, please see
Part 2 Tribunal testifiers:
* Marjorie Cohn National Lawyers' Guild President; Thomas Jefferson la...