Vídeo realizado por estudiantes de la Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala de la facultad de ingeniería, escuela de ciencias y sistemas donde se explica como conectar en red equipos
-linux linux
-windows linux
-windows windows
Andrea Borman talks about writng your blog and social network sites such as your Facebook pages from Internet cafes. She tells us of the problems of this,blocked sites,time limits,lack of privavy and computers not working. An interesting video.
Hearing on H.R. 2266, Reasonable Prudence in Regulation Act, and H.R. 2267, the Internet Gambling Regulation, Consumer Protection, and Enforcement Act
For more info, go to: http://snipurl.com/ppa-hr2267-2
Check out the tight wheel to wheel USAC Racing highlights of this years Indiana Sprint week. If you are looking for the ultimate in speed, passing and the occasional wild wipeout, you have reached the right place.