Urbana Ohio - The Brian Kinter Story - State Disregard, Parental Consideration"When you do harm to another, let no man or woman, regardless of class or status, be beyond the law. If the law harms the innocent, the law should rightfully show compassion for it's error and make right its wrong. End of story." This story is about the State's inconsideration and imposition upon the Citizens in regard to their own children, and the Parental Rights which are the property of them who borne them. For the State to take away a child, undue of any wrongdoing of the Parent, is nothing shy of a rogue fanatically inconsiderate "Just-Us" System. Watch the movie. Imagine it were you in Mr. Kinter's shoes. How would you react? What would you do if your flesh and blood immediate family is suddenly restricted...not for a day or a week.....not for three or nine months; but for THREE + years! The clincher? No ...Just ...Cause. Urbana, Ohio - Court Screwed Parental Rights Violations Reparation