Red Roses for Sweethearts, Pink Roses from an Admirer and Carnations for a First DateHow to Choose the Best Type of Flowers for Your Relationship on Valentine's Day
More than one-third (35.9 percent) of Americans will be celebrating Valentine's Day with flowers for their loved ones, according to the National Retail Federation. While a dozen red roses may seem like the obvious choice, the type and length of the relationship may deem otherwise. Specific varieties, colors or even how they are presented can communicate different messages.
Red roses represent the most romantic love, and should be given to those in a serious relationship. Are you a secret admirer? Pink roses are a tasteful way to say "I am interested." Colorful daises are the perfect flower for the family matriarch. Lilies in shades of white, cream, yellow, red and pink symbolize sweetness and purity, and are the ideal flower to give to a daughter. Carnations symbolize a love that has not yet blossomed.
Produced for The Flowers Promotion Organization