I Want an H1N1 (Swine Flu) Shot for Christmas LDFunny Christmas song about the H1N1 Swine Flu virus vaccine by ELFIS. Lyrics by Steve Stay and John Rox, music by John Rox. http://www.ElfisLives.com
ELFIS, Short for "E Long Fong I Song", the name given to Santa Tech dropout "Stewart E Pedd II" by his Elf Guru, "Elfi Ona Honda Beyonda Ponda". Re-live the real life Stu Pedd adventures in word and song as ELFIS shares his twisted journey from normal North Pole kid to Santa Technical College to elf commune.
I Want an H1N1 shot for Christmas
Only an H1N1 shot will do
Don't want Tamiflu, Relenza it wont do
I want the FDA approved vaccine made for Swine Flu
I want an H1N1 shot for Christmas
I don't think Santa's going to run out, do you?
A pandemic, is it true? or like the dirty birdie flu?
Just inject me while I'm sleeping, that's the easy thing to do
I can see it now on Christmas morning
Santa's creeping up my stairs
I feel a jab, tears fill my eyes as that vaccine I've idealized
flows through my Hypodermus, am I Spared?
I Want an H1N1 shot ...