07 Apex RTX Screensaver This video is a screen saver preview of an 07 Apex RTX, Note the screensaver is a trial that lasts 3 days and after that you must either register it for a low price of $2.50 or discontinue use, the trial is available at [URL]http://rapidshare.com/files/42798099/07_Apex_R TX.exe[/URL] or if u have a torrent program such as utorrent, [URL]http://torrents.thepiratebay.org/3742047/07_Apex_RTX_Screensaver.3742047.TPB.torrent [/URL]If u would like to purchase it you can go to [URL]www.jonfriendssoftwarecorp.piczo.com[/URL] I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!