INSTANT BURN RECOVERY...SAVE THE PHONE NUMBER IN YOUR CELL PHONESSTOP THE EFFECTS OF BURNS, NOW. Call immediately 1-818-332-6445 on your way to the hospital. Call within the first hour to receive immediate remote intervention. NO PAIN, NO GRAFTING, NO SCARRING... and NO RISK. Google "" or 1-818-332-6445 and SAVE this number. Free processing is in addition to standard medical treatment The new "Instant Burn Recovery PSA" video with Fire Chief Joe Lowe This is a public service announcement containing vital information on the Burn Intervention Project that saves lives and stops the terrible pain, suffering and disfigurement from burns, using a state-of-the-art process that heals burns at a phenomenal rate, for free, from a distance, with no risk, drastically reducing the need for expensive medical procedures. Please pass it on. MOTHERS ! If you, your child, or someone you love is burned by fire, laser, explosion, or scalding water CALL IMMEDIATELY ON YOUR WAY TO THE HOSPITAL within the first hour of exposure Call, text or email to medical doctor Joseph the precise TIME of the burn and the victim's: 1. NAME at birth 2. DATE of birth 3. PLACE of birth, and 4. if possible, ANY PHOTOGRAPH, to STICK THIS NUMBER EVERYWHERE!!! 1-818-332-6445 on the Refrigerator Door, Car, Wallet, Cell phone, iPod, Websites, Kids' Backpacks, Binders, Bulletin Boards, Emails, Blogs and your own back pocket... TELL ALL THE PEOPLE TO DO THE SAME