OF THEATRE & BIKINIS - Movie Photos - Independent ComedyMovie photos from the independent comedy OF THEATRE & BIKINIS. Purchase the Full-Quality movie on DVD or via Download at FilmBaby.com: http://www.filmbaby.com/films/3762 For information & pictures visit Very Scary Productions: http://www.veryscaryproductions.com/ OF THEATRE & BIKINIS is a lighthearted dramatic comedy which tells the story of Claire (Heather Blossom Brown), a college girl who wants very badly to become an actress, and the crazy situation her and her best friend Rebecca (Marie DeLorenzo) get involved in hoping to make this dream a reality. James Carolus stars as Jeffrey Williams, the famous director Claire goes to great lengths to meet. Written & Directed by Jeff Kirkendall. Produced by Jeff Kirkendall & James Carolus. Starring: Heather Blossom Brown, James Carolus, Marie DeLorenzo, Matthew Harvey, Timothy Hatch, Philip C. Mucci & Jason Palmer. Produced in Upstate New York's Capital Region.