What seo consists of - v+j success team- Visit http://workwith.vjsuccessteam.com v+j success team fan page http://www.facebook.com/vjsuccessteam What SEO Consists Of Jason dives into deeper details on what SEO is cause many of our users asked us with comments and emails to go deeper in this. So SEO mainly consists of , on-page SEO and off-page SEO. On-page SEO has to do with how your write your content, meta tags, descriptions etc. Off-page SEO consists of how your website relates to other websites. Literally speaking , how many votes are there on the internet about your website and how many of them are of high quality. This is the meaning of a back link. For More Videos Go To : http://vjsuccessteam.com It is highly suggested to always follow Google's guidelines, cause whatever you try to do in order to manipulate the algorithm...Google will finally catch up to you. By following Google's guidelines it is most likely you will be on the safe side. Jason will be teaching you all the correct steps to avoid a possible Google penalty that will mess your websites rankings. How to do correct on-page SEO, configure Google authorship and obtain good back links. Video Url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvZkoHMV3Lg Author : https://plus.google.com/1120651070694... You just watched, What SEO Consists Of - Jason - v+j success team Visit http://vjsuccessteam.com/guides/what-seo-consists-of/