Seattle DHT 1-25-2011 7pmThis is the Divine Healing Technician Training Course that was taught on January 2011 by Curry R Blake.
This course is intended for anyone who desires to do the will of God; what the bible says and walk in power and authority by Jesus Christ that lives inside a born again person.
*This course will cause you to be completely changed. It will cause your mind to think straight and view things more poperly elimeination much confusion about God, His will and His Goodness.
This is intend for "Christians" or anyone who plans on being a proper Believer. However it is not recommended for "Closet Warriors" who plan on praying in the closet and telling God to do stuff.
*The Fullness of this course will require Full on Physical and Social confrontation
The Bible is the Word of God and is true, whatever is written in there about us (The believer) we can and should do