HR2 Basarios with Daimyo's Warbow III.wmvSee title.
Quest: Basarios: Unseen Peril
Weapon: Daimyo's Warbow III
Head: Plesioth Helm
Chest: Rathalos Soul Vest at Level 6 w/ 1 Attack Jewel
Hands: Loprey Gloves
Waist: Chrome Metal Coat
Feet: Chrome Metal Boots
Sorry for all the mistakes, this is my first time editing with this software. There are several parts where the video froze and a part or two where I set it to play faster than it should. The video might also end while the music continues... you don't have to watch past this part as it is a mistake.
I also made many many mistakes during the quest, some of which were me just getting cocky. I hope this video helps, large wyvern like Basarios here are usually easy to bow. You should use obstacles to slow them down and if you get a chance, get them to run into the exploding rocks.