Yes, I have permission to use this music as backing a track. From Anexi González, "I haven't any problem that you use the song, i would like to congratulate to you for this."
Yes, I have permission to use this music as backing a track. From Anexi González, "I haven't any problem that you use the song, i would like to congratulate to you for this."
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Yes, I have permission to use this music as backing a track. From Leandro Kasan, "Hi Alison, thanks so much for your message! Go ahead! Yes you can use the song for your video and use it however you like!"
Yes, I have permission to use this music as backing a track. From Leandro Kasan, "Hi Alison, thanks so much for your message! Go ahead! Yes you can use the song for your video and use it however you like!"
Yes, I have permission to use this music as backing a track. From Leandro Kasan, "Hi Alison, thanks so much for your message! Go ahead! Yes you can use the song for your video and use it however you like!"
Yes, I have permission to use this music as backing a track. From Leandro Kasan, "Hi Alison, thanks so much for your message! Go ahead! Yes you can use the song for your video and use it however you like!"
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yes. I. do 収録Disk Check ↓↓↓
【先着特典】yes. I. do (初回限定新春盤 CD+Blu-ray)
yes. I. do (初回限定新春盤 CD+Blu-ray)
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Yes, I have permission to use any of his music as backing tracks. From Daryl Shawn, "Yes, absolutely you have my permission. thanks again! Daryl Shawn".
Yes, I have permission to use any of his music as backing tracks. From Daryl Shawn, "Yes, absolutely you have my permission. thanks again! Daryl Shawn".