Video: Youtube, Odysee, Bitchute, Veho, Dailymotion und Vidlii Social Media: X Wenn euch das Video gefallen hat, würde ich mich sehr über einen Daumen nach oben, ein Like, ein Abo und einen netten Kommentar freuen!
Start by showing off a KISS themed Doom clone, and then discuss developers wanting to use vidya as a political soapbox and providing lame excuses for gaming’s problems. New streams are every week at 1 PM Pacific time, link can be found on my profile.
Ein dickes, fettes Spiel verdient ein dickes, fettes #Review. Über 40 Minuten besprechen Dennis und Tomas Nintendos neuesten Geniestreich Tears of the Kingdom.
Redfall and Jedi Survivor came out and they’re an absolute mess, Tears of the Kingdom leaked and people are messing with that, and Capcom says that they hate money. New streams are every Wednesday at 1 PM Pacific time, link can be found on my profile.
Nintendo ups game prices to $70, West Taiwan is restricting people’s access to vidya to prevent “addiction”, and how you make a game for autists. New streams are every Wednesday at 1 PM Pacific time, link can be found on my profile.
Vagante und Queeny Army. Das eine ist ein Plattformer-RPG-Roguelike-Hybrid, das viel von Spelunker und etwas von Zelda 2 hat, während das andere stark an Contra/Probotector erinnert...
Link's quest against the forces of Snu-Snu is never-ending! But it all jest, a fan sent me 'snu-snu' request for a more modern game. I'm glad you all enjoy the meme as much as me...