Frenzy Forest Zigzag - 3:00:80Credits:
KrazyChicken AKA NPXlCHiCKEN
Shugioh AKA Nitro AKA NPXlShugi
DonutBoy AKA A1Donut
AlexBallDrop AKA PROTLxAlex
Fatbutt5 AKA Viper
benson2 AKA PROTLxBenson
AppleJuice AKA NPXlApple
FaithX AKA NPXlFaithX
Surreal AKA CRBlFrost
Mesmerize AKA PROTLxWilson
ComeForTable AKA PROTLxTable
LordIce AKA PROTLxWayne
OkieSmokie AKA guildhopper
BurningDuck AKA omfg all duck's fault
Song: Beyond Hope
-Thanks to ThisIsntJenn and oRXAYo for this
-NPXlSoul for the pwnage top design.
If you wish to race against this ghost, you can download it here: