Jermaine reads from his script "A Father's Pride" on Different Voices TV. See the interview on Wednesday, 3PM on Channel 56 (Manhattan NY) on go to and see it streamed live.
Betty Blayton-What shall become of this global orbit/where men only look outward/to physical things/and never inward to his celestial self/where all answers are found?-1963
Strivers Gardens Gallery
300 West 135th Street-NYC 10030
Bree from America's Next Top Model talks to producer Poet Minor of Different Voices. Bree and Minor discuss hair at Pizzaz in Harlem New York City. Bree is the spokesperson for PANTEEN.
Golden Crust President Lowell Hawthorn presents at the "Real Men Can Cook Event" in Bronx New York. The interview was conducted by Producer Poet Minor of Different Voices TV program,