Pineapples are a health fruit that will help you to lose weight and increase your metabolism because of the hight fiber. Most people avoid them because they do not know how to clean a pineapple. Deb Bixler teaches you how to cut on the dotted line!
The benefits of pineapple in your diet incude high fiber to increase your metabolism and lose weight. Chef, Deb Bixler teaches you how to pick out the best pineapple.
Super foods bring you the best anti-aging solutions available. Better than any cream or medicine, tomatoes contain antioxidant properties that will keep you young.
Spinach, kale and other dark leafy greens are super foods that will bring you a power house of nutrients. Chef, Deb Bixler teaches how to clean and cook with these leafy vegetables.
Chef and diet coach, Deb Bixler, teaches TOPS members the weight management techniques used by healthy people to increase your metabolism and maintain ideal weight.
Spinach and leafy greens are in the list of super foods that are recommended by doctors to eat. This short video teaches you how to wash and cook with low calorie, fat free superfoods - leafy greens.
Low calorie vegetables have many healthy benefits. The perfect diet vegetables - leafy greens give you plenty of fiber and are a power house of nutrients. Deb Bixler teaches how to use and clean leafy green veggies.
There are not very many calories in spinach and this recipe brings the super food spinach onto your dinner table in minutes. This easy and fast recipe is delicious.
The leaning tower of Pisa has nothing compared to the York, PA leaning tower of cheese cake. Deb makes lowfat cheese cake sort of....
There are always lots of calories in cheese cake. Deb teaches you how to make a fun, fast and a little bit healthier cheese cake.
Culinary trained chef, Deb Bixler, teaches cooking lessons and quick tips for the class on 6 Weeks To The New You. She teaches you how to lose 1 1/2 pounds per week.
This hot new theme band is rising to the top of the charts quickly. They are traveling all over PA, Ohio, and Delaware, The Tamboureens are developing a huge following!
Direct sales industry trainer, Deb Bixler teaches systems of host coaching to make more money in the home party businesses.
Direct sales consultants hosting home parties will make more money through host coaching their host to achieve a $1000 show. Deb Bixler teaches direct sales training for home party businesses.
Home party plan businesses will make more money when host coaching for higher catalog shows. Deb Bixler presents party plan training.
Home party plan - direct selling businesses -direct selling representatives will make more money through host coaching their host to achieve a $1000 show.
This weight management program will work for you like it worked for many others. It is a weight management program that you can incorporate into your busy life.
Healthy kids eat good-for-you foods and have fun tubing. Teach your kids the importance of eating fruits and vegetables so that they can have fun in life.
The SNA should invite Debbie Banana to the local school to re-work the lunch program. Let's take the chemicals out of our children's diets.
Are you concerned about the nutrition in schools? We can make a difference in the future of children when we act now. Invite Debbie Banana to your schools!
Deb Bixler teaches parents, teachers and kids the eating facts about that box of macaroni and cheese. Fun school programs that make an impact on kids lives.
Quickly moving to the top of music lists, The Tamboureens are making a big hit in Pennsylvania. Scheduling through the end of the year, they are in demand in the PA music scene.
Performing at the Starbucks fundraier, The Tamboureens had the audience dancing in the aisles. With sounds of the 60's and originals too, The Tamboureens are a band for all ages.
Chef Deb Bixler, takes basic cooking classes to the next level, teaching you how to read the ingredients lists and avoid chemicals for better health effects.
Are the chemicals we eat causing poor health or even cancer? Deb Bixler, culinary trained chef and health educator teaches you how to read the ingredients list.
What is in our food? Learn to read the ingredients list for your foods. Deb Bixler is a trained chef whose mission is to make a difference in family health.
Whether you are looking for an after school program for kids or a elementary education assembly, Debbie Banana is the answer. Teamed up with the Mad Scientist, this duo couples fun with learning at your school program.
This is an assembly idea that will put your school in compliance with the new school wellness policy. Debbie Banana And The Mad Scientist is a fun interactive program that impacts children's lives.
When your school wellness policy requires an innovative approach to teaching healthy eating to the students, try Debbie Banana And The Mad Scientist.
The hot PA band, The Tamboureens, play '60s retro style rock and roll. With a full calendar, they are quickly rising to the top of the lists of good rock bands!
They are being called the American rock band with the English rock band sound. Fly Magazine quote: "The Tamboureens might be the only original band in PA that you can dance the Mashed Potato to without a hint of irony."
They've been called York, PA.'s answer to the Beatles, with music that sounds like The Strokes. The Tamboureens are putting the pop back into powerpop.
School snow days mean a great day to hit the slopes. When global warming takes its toll on ski slopes, the snow makers pick up the slack to make up for seasonal snow deficiencies.