Criminally Racist Vilification, HFC Hellas FanClub MelbourneHELLAS FAN CLUB MELBOURNE HFC RACIST POLITICAL AGENDA
There is NO PLACE FOR RACISM in sport !
Sportsmen are ROLE-MODELS, they are also AMBASSADORS for their nation and for their sport
This channel is dedicated to EXPOSING the vile criminally racist intent behind Greek Cypriot Tennis Player Marcos Baghdatis's provocative and racially abusive chanting of HFC " HELLAS FAN CLUB " slogans
These slogans contain such extreme hate speech as "Fuck your Turkey we Greeks Fuck Your Allah" "The only good Turk is a DEAD Turk" and "Greece - Cyprus ANNEXATION"
Members of the racist soccer hooligan crew The HFC Hellas Fan Club Melbourne are threatening to sue Melbourne police for assault after officers were forced to used Capsicum spray ( Mace ) to remove unruly louts from the Australian Tennis Open in Melbourne Victoria last Tuesday
Victoria Police should now charge Baghdatis and key members of HFCM with incitement to racial hatred and the "Racial Vilification" of Turks, ...