Elder Alan Mansager of Yahweh's Restoration ministry discusses the validity of the Old Testament Scriptures and explains how these Scriptures form a foundation for the New Testament.
Jose Gonzalez of Yahweh's Restoration Ministry discusses pride, and explains how it leads to inevitable downfall for those who refuse to humble themselves and acknowledge their sins.
Elder Alan Mansager of Yahweh's Restoration Ministry discusses the two resurrections that will take place according to Scriptural prophecy, and the distinction between those in the first resurrection compared with those in the second.
Elder Randy Folliard of Yahweh's Restoration Ministry discusses the need to remain faithfully steadfast in Yahweh's Word without giving in to compromize.
Jose Gonzalez of Yahweh's Restoration Ministry discusses the good example Yahshua set for us by enduring much suffering while He eas here on earth, and also by His faithful obedience to His Heavenly Father.
Elder Alan Mansager of Yahweh's Restoration Ministry discusses the differences between the unchosen people and those chosen to enter into Yahweh's Kingdom.
Elder Randy Folliard of Yahweh's Restoration Ministry discusses Yahweh's abundant goodness that is manifested by His love, grace, mercy, and patience that He has for us.
Jose Gonzalez of Yahweh's Restoration Ministry discusses how we can grow toward perfecton, through love of Yahweh, His son Yahshua and fellow human beings.
Elder Alan Mansager of Yahweh's Restoration Ministry discusses the purpose of baptism and the right way to follow when seeking this critical step in life.
Elder Randy Folliard of Yahweh's Restoration Ministry discusses the 144,000 servants of El Shaddai, and the great multitude of all nations who came out of great tribulation as presented in the book of Revelation. (6-04-11)
Elder Randy Folliard of Yahweh's Restoration Ministry discusses the scriptural description of the new Jerusalem, a spectacular city promised to the saints who overcome all.
Deacon Randy Folliard of Yahweh's Restoration Ministry discusses the importance of having a balance in faith, inorder to effectively accomplish our responsibilities.
Gary Mansager of Yahweh's Restoration Ministry discusses how many different perceptions can be looked at in different situations and also to be aware of the many deceptions of the world.
Elder Randy Folliard of Yahweh's Restoration Ministry discusses the kingdoms of this world, and the events that will unfold in the world before the return of Yahshua, to establish Yahweh's Kingdom on earth.
Michael Banak of Yahweh's Restoration Ministry discusses the reasons why christains who have declined re-baptism due to Yahshua's name should reconsider doing it.