B. R. Lakin - A Voice From The Past (Super Conference 1979)B. R. Lakin - A Voice From The Past (Super Conference 1979) - Part 1 of 4
Bascom Ray (B. R.) Lakin (January 5, 1901- March 15, 1984) was a Baptist preacher and evangelist. B. R. Lakin was born on a farm near Fort Gay, West Virginia, on the Kentucky border. His mother had prayed for a "preacher man" and had dedicated him to God even before he was born. Lakin attended a one-room schoolhouse in West Virginia through the 4th grade. Later, when he realized the need for more education, he attended Moody Bible Institute while pastoring several churches. Eventually Bob Jones University and (the now defunct) Kletzing College bestowed honorary doctorates.
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