Who really wants to venture outside only to be bitten alive by mosquitos? Before you spray on something filled with chemicals that can be toxic to your family or the environment you can Do Your Part to know about other solutions that are now available.
If you think all pet shampoos are the same, think again. Many of the ingredients found in popular ones are petroleum-based and are known to actually irritate skin, create rashes, and cause cancer.
When you reduce, you conserve natural resources, create less air, land, and water pollution. And, you'll lower your eco footprint and save some money too.
Do your part and conserve water outdoors. If you maintain your yard with an irrigation system then almost half of the water used in your home every year is used outdoors.
Each one of us leaves a measurable footprint on the planet. It's called an eco-footprint and it's the amount of energy and natural resources that the planet must provide to sustain our lifestyles.
Practical information and inexpensive eco-friendly Do Your Part is solutions to help you tread lightly on our planet by by reducing your eco-footprint. Many call it 'going' green but I like to call it 'saving' green.
You can Do Your Part by installing CFL lightbulbs. They use less energy but you won't see the energy savings unless you use the bulbs properly. Remember that they are considered hazardous household waste and should always be disposed of properly.
We all do it! We wait and wait and wait for hot water to get to our faucets. But did you know there's one simple thing that will bring you instant hot water and save you a whole lot of money?
It's beyond easy to toss that aluminum can into a recycling bin. But do you really know how that little can - can make a big difference around the world?
It's a fun, easy lesson to teach your kids...recycle those old, broken crayons and make them new again. It's an eco-craft that will show children of all ages how to reuse something they already own.
Hybrids are all the rage but we wanted to find out how much they help the environment, if they will really help you save money, and what other good alternatives there are. Cam Stewart, General manager of Honda Cars Of Rock Hill helps us get to the bottom of the issues.
An important holiday tradition is to take time and give something back to your community. We've got some great volunteer ideas if you're looking to do something green!
It's beyond easy to toss that aluminum can into a recycling bin. But do you really know how that little can - can make a big difference around the world?
The holiday season is approaching quickly but before you start stockpiling your shopping cart with plastic, battery-powered goodies, check out these educational and eco-friendly toys from IMagiPLAY.
Improperly disposed batteries can contaminate our land, water and air. We make it easy for you to recycle your batteries and show you why you should invest in rechargeable batteries.
What's the greenest way to drink wine? From the bottle to those new fancy cartons, we break down the pros and cons of all the options so you can make the greenest choice.
Do Your Part this holiday by plugging in strands of LED lights instead of the traditional incandescent ones. Not only will the switch save energy – it also amounts to big money savings.