Armenian Linguistics Professor Bert Vaux PhD Language Lecture Glenview, IllinoisProfessor Bert Vaux, PhD Harvard visits his home state of Illinois for a HAMAZKAYIN lecture prepared by Dr. Vaux called ARMENIAN LINGUISTICS. Delivered in 2006 at the Armenian All-Saints Apostolic Church, Glenview, Illinois. Professor Vaux allowed the lecture to be taped. After a processing delay, the lecture is now available for your consumption. Professor Vaux is highly polished and prepared. He is seeking to study various dialects of Armenian before they go into extinction, such as the Marash dialect and the Van dialect of Armenian. He has studied several othe rlanguages, as well. This lecture is a MUST SEE for anyone with any interest in the intellectual aspects of the Armenian language, and not for those who try to avoid analysis and self-reflection. Most of all, the lecture is fun. Turn up the volume, some parts are hard to hear, but this is the best the camera at hand could do. ENJOY!